EPA Lead RRP Renovator Initial
Full Day (8-hour) training course for Home Improvement Contractors, Renovators, Remodelers, Painters, Maintenance personnel and all other workers that remove or modify painted surfaces. *Required to obtain/renew the Nassau County Home Improvement Contractor License.
The USEPA Lead RRP Certified Renovator Initial Course is a 1-day (8-hour) course instructed in accordance with the USEPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Final Rule Model Curriculum. This course is typically intended for Home Improvement Contractors, Renovators, Remodelers, Painters, Maintenance personnel and all other workers that remove or modify painted surfaces. Students will learn how to comply with the RRP and HUD Lead Safe Housing Rules in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities; and how to perform lead-safe work practices. Hands-on workshops included with this course consist of Using EPA-recognized Test Kits, Work Area Setup, Interior and Exterior Containment, Personal Protective Equipment, Cleaning, Inspections and Verifications.
*This course also meets the requirements for the Nassau County Home Improvement Contractor License.