Vapor Intrusion
Regulatory Agencies have put vapor intrusion as a primary focus into re-evaluating previous assumptions and decisions regarding the potential for soil vapor intrusion exposures at sites. As a result, all past, current, and future contaminated sites are evaluated to determine whether these sites have the potential for exposures related to vapor intrusion. Due to this, vapor intrusion has also become a component in the due diligence process known as vapor encroachment and vapor reopened.
CNS Environmental performs vapor intrusion sampling utilizing laboratory provided media to sample in compliance with local, state and/or federal regulations. CNS utilizes in-house equipment to install soil gas well implants and real-time monitors for screening purposes.
CNS provides full reporting, mitigation plans / designs, risk assessments, mitigation system installation (sub-slab depressurization), monitoring and regulatory agency interaction to ascertain a “No Further Action” sign-off from the regulatory agency.
Services Provided:
Vapor intrusion sampling
In-house soil gas well implants & real-time monitoring
Full reporting
Mitigation plans & design
Risk assessments
Mitigation system installation (sub-slab depressurization)
Monitoring and regulatory agency interactions