Phase I - Environmental Site Assessment
CNS Environmental completes Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) in strict compliance with ASTM and USEPA regulations. CNS’s Phase I ESA’s are associated with Property Acquisitions, Financing and Refinancing and consists but is not limited of the following, to form an All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) suitable for establishing innocent landowner status, pursuant to 42 USC 9601 (35)(B) and the Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001 (Brownfields Act).
Services Provided:
An on-site field survey of the property and identification of obvious visual signs of contamination and/or potential sources of environmental or regulatory concern;
Interview available persons familiar with current and former on-property activities for relevant information regarding potential areas of environmental concern;
Identification of past and current usage of the property via a review of out-sourced or other secondary sources;
An assessment of possible adverse environmental conditions associated with current and/or past use of the subject site;
A review and assessment of past and current activities/uses of all adjacent businesses, land, and cross property easements;
A request for and review of available environmental records and related documentation from local, state and federal agencies for the purpose of identifying any history of hazardous waste activity, enforcement actions, consent orders and reported spills;
Identification of the current and/or past presence of underground and/or aboveground fuel oil, gasoline, chemical, waste, and process storage tanks;
The identification of the current and/or past presence of waste disposal facilities (i.e. cesspools and septic tanks), leaching fields, private water supply wells, and storm water dry wells;
An evaluation of on-site hazardous/toxic materials storage and waste disposal practices;
The identification of PCB containing electrical transformers and equipment;
A literature review of the geology and ground water of the area;
Vapor Encroachment Assessment;
Visual non-destructive assessment of potential asbestos containing materials, lead-based paint, radon and mold/water damage issues. (Non-ASTM scope concerns)
The data is summarized within a final report with recommendations of potential applicable environmental liabilities from either on-site or off-site sources.